Header Image with Destro logo and three bottons

What are the social outreach activities promoted by the Museum?

Among the planned lines of action, we include the organization of a traveling museum, contests for the collection of small objects, conferences, art workshops, seminars and, considering that the best way to disseminate the collections is through museums, opening a space in which Panamanian collectors can temporarily exhibit their object of study.

The collector has the task of discovering the details of the object he collects and, through an individual or group effort, documenting, ordering and presenting his collection in such a way that it can capture the attention of many: the information must be captivating, interesting, truthful and documented.

This implies an effort that the Museo de botones Destro allows them to expose to the public, people of every race, tradition, culture, age and social condition, to share their knowledge and experiences. We work with the criterion that there is no insignificant collection, as long as it is presented demonstrating an effort to investigate the objects collected and that it has been a tool for the use of free time in an entertaining, honest and creative way.

The Museo de botones Destro aspires to become a place of training where people with a vocation for manual skills can create handicrafts using buttons.